Mountain Marathon and Adventure Racing

Two day mountain marathon type events are for teams of 2, carrying all clothing, equipment, tent, sleeping bag, food for 36 hours, navigating one’s own route and including an overnight camp. Once again there are several distance options the longest being the Elite which is literally 2 consecutive marathon length days with c2,500m of ascent.

The ethos of the event is to be totally self-reliant, in the wilds, carrying all equipment, no outside support and without GPS or cell phone. Your first source of help is your partner and if you retire you are responsible for getting yourselves back to base. Any teams not arriving at the overnight camp are assumed to have camped safely. In these days of 24/7 contact and total support this is an event to test and indeed help develop teamwork and self-reliance.

There are three premier UK events, OMM (Original Mountain Marathon), LAMM (Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon) and the Mourne Mountain Marathon. The reputation of the events is worldwide and every year they attract entrants from around the globe.

Throw in a canoe, some rock climbing and multiple satges over several days with no sleep and you have Adventure Racing. Only for the seriously challenged amongst us!

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